About Us


We Are

Pretty Prep is a wellness company created by Chef Sha, who is a certified Health & Life Coach. She has spent over 17 years within the food industry working with world-renowned Chefs from the Ritz Carlton and Marriott Companies. Loving all aspects of food and it’s preparation she decided to create a company that infuses her love for a gourmet lifestyle, wellness, flavor, and soul.

The Pretty Prep team is composed of health specialists and certified foodies; we understand how frustrating it can be to find balance in enjoying your food while meeting your health and wellness goals. We are committed to guiding our clients towards a lifestyle that aligns with longevity and sustainability.

At Pretty Prep we’re dedicated to encouraging and supporting all people to cultivate their wholeness. We vow to be your wellness cheerleaders bringing you the freshest most flavorful gourmet meals that will excite your taste buds and journey to a healthier PRETTIER lifestyle.


The mission is to help all individuals who seek to be or create the very best versions of themselves through lifestyle, health-style, and mindset change. Our certified Personal trainers, Fitness Influencers, Chefs, Health & Life coaches offer the very best guidance, knowledge, and support to help you achieve your goals. We not only value you as our clients but as the beautiful people who will inspire others to fulfill their dreams. Because being PRETTY is a lifestyle.

Why Choose


The difference between Pretty Prep and its competitors is that Pretty Prep is more than just a few meals in a box. We are a lifestyle. Pretty Prep fosters an environment of uplifting vibrations, ongoing support on your life’s journey, and knowledge you can pass on to your family. Sharing the knowledge you’ve acquired from Pretty Prep to teach your loved ones how to eat for nourishment and not solely for entertainment. Guide them to channel their energy into healthy activity and mental clarity. Leading by example will greatly benefit their lives and inspire everyone around you to be better. You water their growth and we’ll water yours. Because being PRETTY is planting seeds that enhance your environment.


6 to 8 ounces – unless otherwise noted
Fermented or Soy products 5 ounces – unless otherwise noted

3/4 of a cup depending on the menu offering.
We love carbs too, but let’s be honest our waistline could benefit from scaling back on the portion size

1 to 1 1/4 cup depending on the menu offering.
We love vegetable & so will you.

Yes, we’re only servicing the 5 Boroughs of NYC…For now

Yes, you can freeze your meals. However, it will affect or change the color of fresh herbs and any other live foods. The meals will still taste fresh and delicious. You will also need to remove any sauce containers containing specialty condiments prior to freezing. Don’t worry we’ll send you the details of your order.

The best way to enjoy your meals without hugely compromising the integrity is to plan ahead. Allow the meal or meals you plan on eating to defrost under refrigeration 24hrs. – 48hrs. before consumption. Once fully defrosted you can proceed with the heating application of your choice.

In the microwave 3 ½ – 5:00 minutes depending on the wattage of your microwave. If using an oven, preheat oven to 350-375 degrees. Remove ALL of the contents of your meal prep from the container and place it on an oven-safe dish. Reheat your meal for approximately 30mins. depending on how hot you prefer your food more heating time may be added. The meals are already completely cooked and just needs to be warmed through. Be sure to remove any sauce containers containing specialty condiments before heating. Don’t worry we’ll send you the details of your order.

Salsas, Gravy, or Au jus. We don’t recommend freezing vinaigrette’s or dressing unless stated to do so. That information will be provided with your order.